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Life Energy Coaching


Welcome on my website!


My name is Aisha, I am 42 years old and I love delicious food, languages and to support people to become the best version of themselves.


Don't be shy, live your dreams and make them come true.  


Inspiring others by doing what you love!

Haferflocken mit Toppings


Would you like to change your daily habits? To live a healthier lifestyle? To do more of what you love?

Gesunde Toast-Beläge


Do you lack of energy? Do you feel down? Do you have a lot of stress and want to change something?


Are you shy? You don't know what to say? Can't find the right words? Need some help with your website?

Du möchtest dein eigener Chef sein ?
You want to be your own boss ?

Gerne unterstütze ich dich auf deinem Weg.
Freue mich auf deine Kontaktaufnahme!

I would be happy to support you on your journey.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Vielen Dank!

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Follow me on social media


Gesundheit, Prävention & Ernährung. Für weitere Infos > auf den Apfel klicken.

Health, prevention & nutrition.
For more info > click on the apple left.

Meditation Music

Antonio Malinconico


Der Weg in die Herzfreiheit

Cristina Mascolo

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